Tuesday 21 February 2017

Best Hair Loss Medication: Here is How the Hair Loss Treatment Works

In the state of hair loss, the case is that the hair follicles start converting testosterone into another hormone – dihydrotestosterone (DTH). The affected hair follicles, thereby, mostly at the sides of and at the top of the head become more sensitive to DHT.
For a fact, the hair follicles being sensitive to DHT cause them to shrink and weaken. Further, this results in dead hair follicles that are resistant to regrowing hair.
What are the Most Effective Hair Loss Treatments Available in the UK? 
It’s considered that finasteride and minoxidil are the most effective hair loss treatments available in the UK.
How Does Hair Loss Treatment Propecia Work?
The hair loss treatment namely Propecia contains finarsteride – one of the best hair loss medications. It’s considered to work as a long-term process of decreasing the effect of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) on the hair follicles.
While the hair loss treatment Propecia might need to be taken for quite a few months before they show any positive effect, at the same time, it is notable that it has high success rate in the people with mild to moderate hair loss.
What Research Says About Propecia
Propecia has gone the five year clinical trial. For a fact, in order to test the effectiveness of this hair loss medication, researchers actually conducted a five-year medical trial. This way they attempted on indentifying the long-term effects of the medication, including the short-term effects and the results.
The Results of the Five-Year Medical Trial 
Needless to say, the 90% of the men who took the clinical trial experienced positive results. Fortunately, the five-year medical trial on Propecia proved that it can be considered as a successful hair loss solution for men with male pattern baldness. Further, Propecia is said to improve the overall condition of their hair too. For instance, the hair became thicker and stronger.
How to Ensure the Best Results with Propecia? 
Propecia can be considered as a process that is straightforward. It requires you to take a single tablet daily, after all. There are, however, certain ways that will ensure that you get the most out of your treatment:
1.Maintain a healthy scalp
2.Consume the tablet consistently
3.Focus on healthy diet and lifestyle
Are you searching for a clinic providing the best hair loss medication? You can go for Hair Repair Clinic. The clinic has been featured in Britain's biggest daily newspaper - The Sun. They provide hair transplant solutions to both men and women and the best hair loss medication too.
For more information about their services, please visit http://hairrepairclinic.co.uk/.   

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